In English

Four different kinds of membership
Active member
This alternative is for you who are employed by a Swedish company or employed by a foreign company on a CBA signed by MOA. As an active member you have support against the employer, the right to vote and being elected as a congress delegate, the right to sign advantageous insurances, apply for membership loans etc. The membership fee is SEK 274 per month.
Interactive member
This is an alternative for officers employed by a foreign company without a CBA with MOA. You have got limited support against the employer but all other membership rights. The membership fee is SEK 67 per month.
Passive membership
This is an alternative for you who are not working at sea, because you are either an ex-seaman who permanently has begun working ashore or have being retired. You have no right to vote for congress delegates and can’t be a candidate as congress delegate. The membership fee is SEK 180 per year.
Students membership
This is an alternative for you who are not working at sea because you are a student at a maritime academy. You have no right to vote for congress delegates and can’t be a candidate as congress delegate, but the right to apply for membership loans and scholarship. The membership fee is SEK 180 per year.
Members, regardless of membership, also have got these rights:
- Participate in meetings with the right to speak and make proposals
- The periodical Sjöbefälen, eight issues per year, mostly written in Swedish
- Other sorts of written information; but some information only concerning seamen working at sea, is not sent to passive members.
If you wish to become a member, please contact us:
Phone: +46 8 518 356 00
Or click at the document below to fill out the application form